Eileen Chang: The Book of Change

Book Launch: Eileen Chang's The Book of Change

The Hong Kong University Press and University¡¦s Project for Public Culture of Journalism and Media Studies Centre (JMSC) will co-host a book launch for a noted contemporary Chinese writer, Eileen Chang's semi-autobiographical novel The Book of Change「易經」on 3 September 2010. The book launch also marks the 90th birthday and 15th anniversary of Chang¡¦s death.

The Book of Change was written in English, and, likes its prequel, The Fall of the Pagoda, depicting Chang¡¦s childhood in Tianjin and Shanghai. It provides a first-hand account of life in wartime Hong Kong following the Japanese invasion, with scathing details of widespread cowardice, as well as inspiring examples of human resilience.

Eileen Chang (1920-1995) arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai in 1939 and enrolled in The University of Hong Kong. Her childhood in Shanghai was a gothic horror tale in which she finally ran away from her father and stepmother. Her student life in Hong Kong was a happy interlude, but Chang soon found herself stranded by the war. The Japanese occupation of late 1941 provided many brutal lessons on the fragile nature
of personal attachments.

At the launch, Dr Roland Soong, the executor of Eileen Chang¡¦s estate will donate a photocopy of the manuscripts of Eileen Chang¡¦s English novel The Book of Change to HKU and shares his views on Chang¡¦s writing career. Professor Leo Ou-fan Lee, renowned scholar and cultural critic, will analyze the book.

All are welcome, the details are:
Date: 3 September 2010(Friday)
Time: 12pm noon
Venue: 1/F, Main Library, HKU
Language: English

Prof. SP Chow, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, HKU
Dr Roland Soong, Executor, Eileen Chang's Estate
Prof. Leo Ou-fan Lee, Renowned Scholar and Cultural Critic
Mr. Michael Duckworth, Publisher, Hong Kong University Press
Prof. Kam Louie, Dean, Faculty of Arts, HKU
Prof. Ying Chan, Director, Journalism and Media Studies Centre, HKU

(«H³ø)    2010.09.02

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(­»´ä¤j¾Ç   2010.09.03

Book Launch on Eileen Chang's The Book of Change

The Hong Kong University Press and University's Project for Public Culture of Journalism and Media Studies Centre , HKU co-hosted a book launch for a noted contemporary Chinese writer, Eileen Chang's (1920-1995) semi-autobiographical novel The Book of Change¡m©ö¸g¡ntoday at HKU, the book launch also marks the 90th birthday and 15th anniversary of Chang's death.

The Book of Change was written in English, likes its prequel, The Fall of the Pagoda, depicting Chang's childhood in Tianjin and Shanghai. It provides a first-hand account of life in wartime Hong Kong following the Japanese invasion, with scathing details of widespread cowardice, as well as inspiring examples of human resilience.

Eileen Chang (1920-1995) arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai in 1939 and enrolled in the University of Hong Kong. Her childhood in Shanghai was a gothic horror tale in which she finally ran away from her father and stepmother. Her student life in Hong Kong was a happy interlude, but Chang soon found herself stranded by the war. The Japanese occupation of late 1941 provided many brutal lessons on the fragile nature of personal attachments.

Dr Roland Soong, executor of Eileen Chang's estate, HKU's Pro-Vice Chancellor, Professor S.P. Chow and renowned scholar Professor Leo Ou-fan Lee attended the book launch. Professor Chow congratulated Hong Kong University Press for delivering this incredible project after publishing Chang's first part of her semi-autobiographical novel, The Fall of the Pagoda in April. Professor Chow also expressed his thanks to the Project for Public Culture at HKU's Journalism and Media Studies Centre, which started its Eileen Chang Project three years ago and has worked hard to bring Eileen Chang back home to HKU.

The Book of Change is the second part of Chang's English which depicts lively wartime HK and the protagonist also bears a large resemblance to Chang during her student life at HKU from 1939 to 41.

At the launch, Dr Roland Soong donated a photocopy of the manuscripts of Eileen Chang's English novel The Book of Change to HKU. Last year, Dr Soong donated one million dollars to set up the Eileen Chang Memorial Scholarship in her memory, Ms Yang Zhi Yan, who received the second ever scholarship to study at the Faculty of Arts also attended the book launch.

Dr Soong shared his views of The Book of Change saying that Eileen Chang initially wanted to publish it as a literary work when it was completed in 1963.

"By publishing it today, we offer readers the choice to decide on its literary merits.  But I believe today that the book is just as important as a historical document about Eileen Chang.  The 1964 The Book of Change stands between the 1944 From the Ashes and the 1976 Small Reunions and gives us an intermediate point in her evolving thoughts and attitudes about the events in her own life."

He also said, "Beyond the particularity of this author, this book contains the observations by a certain Hong Kong University student during the one and only time that Hong Kong was wounded by the trauma of war.  This Hong Kong University student hailed from Shanghai and therefore had an outsider's eye for things.  She wrote down and reflected continuously on what she saw, leaving us with a legacy that continues to touch and influence us even today."

Professor Leo Lee, renowned scholar and cultural critic, analyzed the book. He said The Book of Change is proof that Eileen Chang is an international writer in the literary landscape. "This is a near-masterpiece," he added and recommended that it should be a required reading for every student in the Faculty of Arts.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Professor Kam Louie, said that The Arts Faculty has housed some very talented and famous writers in the last hundred years. Eileen Chang has been one of them. "I am overjoyed that HK University Press has been able to publish her The Book of Change which describes that part of her life with HKU as background."

Eileen Chang (1920-1995) is now recognized as one of the greatest modern Chinese writers, though she was completely erased from official histories in mainland China. She was the most popular writer in Japanese-occupied Shanghai during World War II, with English and Chinese stories focusing on human frailties rather than nationalist propaganda.

At the launch, Professor Ying Chan, Director of Journalism and Media Studies Centre announced the forthcoming Eileen Chang public exhibit to be held from 17 until 19 September in the Galerie Klee-Yushi House on Caine Road, Central, with 6 guided tours by Dr Roland Soong.

Entitled "Eileen Chang Uncovered", the exhibit will showcase original manuscripts of Chang's work, including the handwritten manuscript of her recent Chinese and English publications : The Book of Change, The Fall of the Pagoda and Private Sayings of Eileen Chang ¡m±i·R¬Â¨p»y¿ý¡nSayings, Strange Country¡m²§¶m°O¡n, and a never published English short story. Also on display are Chang's forever best friends Soong Qi couple's correspondences with Chang, photos and personal works.


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(South China Morning Post)  Author's masterpiece set at HKU    Lo Wei    2010.09.04

The last of late renowned author Eileen Chang's unpublished books, The Book of Change, was launched yesterday at the University of Hong Kong, where a large part of it is set.

Chang writes of her days at the university in the late 1930s and early 40s, an experience that influenced her early stories. Her happy student life came to a halt when the Japanese invaded Hong Kong. She tells of the brutality of war and remarkable human resilience.

Roland Soong Yee-long, the executor of Chang's estate, said: "It is a wartime story with no heroes, no detailed account of fighting but of the experience and feelings of a university student in Hong Kong whose roots were in Shanghai."

Completed in 1963, the 300-page book, which scholar and cultural critic Leo Lee Ou-fan called Chang's masterpiece, is the second part of her fictionalised two-part autobiography. The first part, The Fall of the Pagoda, was published in April. The books were written in English and later translated into Chinese.

Although sales of the English version of the first book were not particularly encouraging, Soong expects the second volume to be a success.

"The first book was about Chang's childhood in Shanghai, but this time it's about her life in Hong Kong during a special time in history, which Hong Kong people will be more able to relate to," he said.

Soong, to whose parents Chang bequeathed her works, said he discovered the books' manuscripts last year. They were being published to coincide with Chang's 90th birthday and the 15th anniversary of her death.

Chang, the author of more than 10 well-known Chinese novels, including Lust, Caution, which director Ang Lee adapted into an award-winning movie, started writing in English when she lived in the United States in the 1950s. After spending about six years to complete The Fall of the Pagoda and The Book of Change, she was deeply disappointed when they was rejected by all the American publishers she approached. Some of them found the characters in her books too unpleasant, Soong said.

She gave up writing English books after that, and wrote more Chinese novels, including Little Reunion, which topped the best-seller lists in Hong Kong and Taiwan and on the mainland last year.

Chang's remaining unpublished materials are mainly letters to Soong's parents, Stephen and Mae Fong Soong, who were close friends of hers, and some of her relatives. Roland Soong is preparing the letters for future publication.

(Xinhua)  Eileen Chang's English semi-autobiographical novel debuts in HK    2010.09.03

A semi-autobiographical novel written in English by renowned contemporary Chinese writer Eileen Chang was issued on Friday in Hong Kong where the author had studied, to mark Chang's 90th birthday and 15th anniversary of her death.  "The Book of Change" was published by the Hong Kong University Press.

At the launching ceremony, Roland Soong, the executor of Eileen Chang's estate, said Eileen Chang initially wanted to published " The Book of Change" as a literary work when it was completed in 1963. "By publishing it today, we offer readers the choice to decide on its literary merits. I believe that the book is just as important as a historical document about Eileen Chang." He noted that "The Book of Change" stood between the 1944 essay "From the Ashes" and the 1976 novel "Small Reunions" and gave readers an intermediate point in her evolving thoughts and attitudes about the events in her own life.

Soong also donated a photocopy of the manuscripts of Eileen Chang's English novel "The Book of Change" to the university.

Likes its prequel "The Fall of the Pagoda" published in April, the novel also depicts the protagonist's childhood in Tianjin and Shanghai, as well as her student days in Hong Kong during the World War II. It provides a first-hand account of life in wartime Hong Kong following the Japanese invasion, with scathing details of widespread cowardice, as well as inspiring examples of human resilience. The protagonist bears a large resemblance to Chang during her student life at the Hong Kong University from 1939 to 1941.

Eileen Chang is now recognized as one of the greatest modern Chinese writers. She was the most popular writer in Japanese- occupied Shanghai during World War II, with English and Chinese stories focusing on human frailties.

Chang arrived in Hong Kong from Shanghai in 1939 and enrolled in the University of Hong Kong. Her childhood in Shanghai was a gothic horror tale in which she finally ran away from her father and stepmother. Her student life in Hong Kong was a happy interlude, but Chang soon found herself stranded by the war.

Chang was noted for unsociability and hypersensitive about her privacy. That she was found dead days after her death in 1995 testified her seclusion. Her work frequently dealt with tensions between men and women in love. Among her best known works were " Love in a Fallen City", " The Red Rose and the White Rose" and " Lust, Caution", which inspired Ang Lee's award-winning film.

(­»´ä°Ó³ø)    ´ä¤j¥Xª©±i·R¬Â¤p»¡¡m©ö¸g¡n   2010.09.04

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(©ú³ø)    ±i·R¬Â³Ì«á¦Û¶Ç¤p»¡¥Xª©    2010.09.04

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(¦¨³ø)    ±i·R¬Â­^¤å¤p»¡¡m©ö¸g¡n¥Xª©    2010.09.04

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(Ä«ªG¤é³ø)    ±i·R¬Â°g¤S¦³¤p»¡Ú»    2010.09.04

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Mow dey! Mow dey! Touch the ground! Touch the ground!!cried a pugnacious-looking black-browed young man in an open-collared shirt¡KEverybody made room with difficulty to crouch down.

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Remarks by Roland Soong on <The Book of Change>
at the September 3, 2010 book launch, Hong Kong University Libraries

In 1957, Eileen Chang wrote to my parents to say that she was working on an English-language novel.  She indicated that this was a story about herself.  By the time that the novel was completed in 1963, there were about 800 typewritten pages.  She then divided this novel into two separate books.  The first book was titled <The Fall of the Pagoda¹p峯¶ð> and the second <The Book of Change©ö¸g>.

Much to her disappointment, she was unable to get these two books published during her lifetime.   In May 1964, she wrote to my parents: ¡§Have you seen Dick McCarthy?  He hasn¡¦t been able to sell <The Book of Change>.  I am greatly discouraged.¡¨  Eventually Eileen Chang would abandon her hope to become an English-language writer in the United States.

Why didn¡¦t American publishers take to these two books?  Here is what Eileen Chang wrote in 1966 for the collection <Mid-Century Authors>:

I have lived in the U.S. for the last ten years, largely occupied with two unpublished novels about China before the Communists ¡K The publishers here seem agreed that the characters in those two novels are too unpleasant, even the poor are no better.  An editor at Knopf¡¦s wrote that if things were so bad before, then the Communists would actually be deliverance.

I personally find this astonishing.  If the criterion to publish a novel is that the characters should be pleasant, then ALL of Eileen Chang¡¦s novels should be unpublishable because they are replete with nasty characters!  The immense popularity of Eileen Chang in China shows this premise to be false.

In any case, these two novels then languished in storage to wait for me to unearth them and seek out Hong Kong University Press to publish them.  Earlier in April this year, the first book <The Fall of the Pagoda> was released.  And on this day, the second book <The Book of Change> is released. 

That is the background.

What is <The Book of Change> about?

Readers familiar with the works of Eileen Chang will immediately recognize the essay <From the AshesÂu¾l¿ý> as well as the first two chapters of the bestselling novel of 2009, <Small Reunions ¤p¹Î¶ê>.  <From the Ashes> is a well-known autobiographical essay that Eileen Chang wrote in 1944 regarding her personal experiences as a Hong Kong University student when the Pacific War broke out on December 7th, 1941. This essay <From the Ashes> will be included in a forthcoming collection (tentatively titled ¡§­»´ä¤j¾Ç¦Ê¦~µØ³¹¡¨) of the great works by Hong Kong University students and staff members over the past one hundred years.

How does <The Book of Change> compare to <From the Ashes>?

The first and most obvious fact is that <The Book of Change> is longer.  In fact, a whole lot longer.  In quantitative terms, <From the Ashes> runs under 6,000 words whereas <The Book of Change> is more like 120,000 words.   That is a factor of twenty-to-one. 

In chronological terms, <From the Ashes> covers mainly the battle of Hong Kong which lasted 18 days from December 7th to December 25th, plus some general ruminations at the end.  <The Book of Change> begins with the female teenager named Lute preparing to depart  from Shanghai to Hong Kong circa 1938 and ends with Lute returning to Shanghai in the summer of 1942. 

The first 134 pages of <The Book of Change> are about pre-war events.  The battle of Hong Kong runs for more than 110 pages compared to the 14 pages in <From the Ashes>.  The post-battle events run for another 50 pages or so.

By being so much longer, <The Book of Change> gives us a deeper understanding of many other things completely absent in <From the Ashes>.  This is not just more for the sake of more.  Instead it illuminates the other works of Eileen Chang.  She has always said that her best works are about what she personally knew and they often contain cross-references to each other.  So the more she wrote, the more we understand the totality of her works.

For example, in <The Book of Change>, Lute¡¦s mother had a couple of friends with her in Hong Kong, M.H. Cheung and his wife.  It is easy to see that they are the prototypes of the protagonists of the novella <Love in a Fallen City¶É«°¤§ÅÊ>.  Thus, the <Book of Change> provides a view of how the young Eileen Chang got her view of the two protagonists in one of her most famous works.

However, I should also note that <The Book of Change> is not merely just an expansion of <From the Ashes> through the addition of some minor details.   <From the Ashes> was written in 1944 and <The Book of Change> was completed in 1963.  Over the course of twenty years, Eileen Chang¡¦s perceptions and attitudes have shifted.  Thus, the same events are regarded differently over time.

Let me give you an example.  In <From the Ashes>, there was an episode about waiting out an air raid inside a bomb shelter.  The writer wondered: ¡§I feel terribly uncomfortable ¡V would I die amid a crowd of strangers?¡¨  Eventually the airplane went away and the crowd made a mad dash for the tram car.

In <The Book of Change>, here is the corresponding section:

The bombing moved away.  She took the same tram home.  Walking up she suddenly realized that there was no one to tell it to.  Bebe was gone.  And not just in Hong Kong but in the whole world, who was there?  She would like to tell her old amah if she was still alive.  She had not been heard from ever since she went back to the country and Lute had not written her either, ashamed of not being able to do anything for her.  She would tell Aunt Coral someday although she would not expect her aunt to be greatly stirred that she had nearly got killed.  Bebe would miss her if she had died but Bebe was always happy.

Is this so significant?  As Eileen Chang would state later for <Small Reunions>, this was the moment of epiphany in which the protagonist Jiu Li came face to face with her quintessential loneliness in the world.  She was alone in the world, and she had no one to share a near-death experience.  That realization crystallized only later on in life.  When she wrote <From the Ashes> at age 24, she did not yet comprehend that significance.  The realization appeared in <The Book of Change> for the first time, and then became the central point in <Small Reunions> ten years later.  As Eileen Chang wrote my father, the first two chapters in <Small Reunions> which caused so many new readers so much grief because of the numerous fleeting characters were there solely to communicate this one simple, even obvious, point ¡V many people buzzed around her but they meant nothing to her; she was alone in this world!

Another question: Why was Eileen Chang writing about the same people and the same events over and over again?  If it is the same thing repeatedly, then it does get boring and tiring quickly.  But if every re-write raises the level of understanding up another level, then it is something else.  I suggest that there is simply not enough exploration of the hermeneutical process in the works of Eileen Chang.  Each re-write elevates understanding to a higher level.

At this point I want to make a few points about <The Book of Change> at different levels.

At a technical level, I should note that the published version <the Book of Change> retains what Eileen Chang originally wrote as much as possible.  The temptation to edit her writing was resisted except in cases of obvious errors.

Here is an example of what was not edited.

In the original Chinese-language <From the Ashes>:


Let me translate this exactly in English:

Someone barked out a command: ¡§Touch the ground!  Touch the ground!¡¨  But where is there any room for people to crouch down?

In the English-language <The Book of Change>, the same event is:

A bomb rumbled.

¡§Mow deyMow dey!  Touch the ground!  Touch the ground!¡¨ cried a pugnacious-looking black-browed young man in an open-collared shirt ¡K

Everybody made room with difficulty to crouch down.

What is ¡§Mow dey!¡¨?  In Cantonese, 踎§C means to ¡§crouch¡¨ or ¡§squat¡¨.  Eileen Chang heard the Cantonese expression and thought that it wasºN¦a(¡§Touch the ground¡¨) in Mandarin.  But that is not a regular Chinese expression ¡V a Chinese speaker wouldn¡¦t understand what you are talking about and neither does an English speaker.  Why do you want me to ¡§touch the ground¡¨?

The point here is that Eileen Chang did not understand that Cantonese expression踎§C in 1941.  This underscores her alienation from the people around her.  She may or may not have been told about this by the time that she wrote <The Book of Change>, but ¡§Touch the ground¡¨ stayed.  Unintentionally or intentionally, the point was always about the inexorable estrangement from the people around her.

Andrew F. Jones¡¦ translation of this portion of <From the Ashes> is:

Someone barked a command: ¡§Hit the deck!  Hit the deck!¡¨  How could one possibly find a place to hit the deck surrounded by such a lot of people?

This is technically incorrect (¡¥hit the deck¡¦ means ¡¥fall or drop to a prone position,¡¦ which is not the same as ¡¥crouching down¡¦) and, more importantly, it changes the estrangement factor.  Therefore this HKUP edition of <The Book of Change> has not changed ¡§Mow dey¡¨/¡¨Touch the ground¡¨ to either ¡§crouch¡¨ or ¡§hit the deck¡¨.

Eileen Chang wanted to publish <The Book of Change> as a literary work.  She did not succeed.  Maybe Americans didn¡¦t get her, or maybe her work was no so good.  Who is to say?  By publishing it today, we offer readers the choice to decide on its literary merits for themselves.  Instead of me (or anybody else) reading the manuscript and telling you about my (or their) final judgment, you get to decide for yourself. 

But I believe today that the book is just as important as a historical document about the writer and the person known as Eileen Chang.  The 1964 <The Book of Change> stands between the 1944 <From the Ashes> and the 1976 <Small Reunions> and gives us an intermediate point in her evolving thoughts and attitudes about the significant events in her own life.

Beyond the particularity of this author (Eileen Chang), this book contains the observations by a certain Hong Kong University student during the one and only time that Hong Kong was wounded by the trauma of war.  This Hong Kong University student hailed from Shanghai and therefore had an outsider¡¦s eye for things.  After all, she had spent her childhood as a ¡§little spy¡¨ recording the words and deeds of the adults in her extended family leading to the famous works such as <Red Rose, White Rose>, etc.  So what she wrote down here was a historical document of significance, especially given the fame of <From the Ashes>.

Beyond the particularity of the battle of Hong Kong, this book is about the changes that China underwent as it went from the traditional to the modern.  Why was this book given the title of <The Book of Change©ö¸g> like that classic text anyway? 

In Chapter 18, Lute began looking for a copy of the ancient Chinese text <The Book of Change> in a pile of discarded books in the deserted student dormitory.  Why?

It was philosophy based on the forces of yang and yin, light and darkness, male and female, how they wax and wane, grow and erode, with eight basic diagrams by which fortunes could be told with tortoise shells.


The pandemonium around her made her yearn desperately for some restraint or discipline although that was not going back to the past.  That was not there anymore.

The novel <The Fall of the Pagoda> was about the decay and disintegration of the old order as epitomized by the collapse of Thunder Peak Pagoda in Hangzhou.  The novel <The Book of Change> was about the quest to make sense of the new world, including consulting the ancient text <The Book of Change>.  In hindsight, we know that the quest is futile.

In <Mid-Century Authors>, Eileen Chang wrote:

¡K there was decay and a vacuum, a need to believe in something.  In the final disintegration of ingrown latter-day Confucianiam, some Chinese seeking a way out of the prevalent materialistic nihilism turned to communism.  To many others Communist rule is also more palatable for being a reversion to the old order, only replacing the family with the larger blood kin, the state, incorporating nationalism, the undisputed religion of our time.  What concerns me most is the few decades in between, the years of dilapidation and last furies, chaos and uneasy individualism, pitifully short between the past millenniums on the one hand and possibly centuries to come.  But any changes in the future are likely to have geminated from the brief taste of freedom ¡K

In 1966, Eileen Chang probably could not foresee her eventual popularity in mainland China after the 1990¡¦s.  But she had perceived the reasons a long time ago anyway.  When the reforms began in China thirty years ago, some people saw that neither Confucianism nor Communism provided the answers about the changes happening to them and became anxious.  But somehow a petit bourgeois Shanghai writer Eileen Chang had already written all about their ¡§uneasy individualism¡¨ in a time of chaotic changes a long time ago in a much better way.  That may just be the simplest way of explaining the magic and allure of Eileen Chang in China today.

Finally, I would to announce some future plans:

(®ü«n¤é报)    张爱¬Â¦Û传Ê^¤T³¡¦±¥X齐    2010.09.06

¡@¡@Õu·s华ªÀ­»´ä电 张爱¬Â­^¤å¦Û传Ê^¤p说¡m©ö经¡n9¤ë3¤é¦b­»´ä¤j学¥¿¦¡±À¥X¡A¥[¤§¤w¥ý¦Z问¥@ªº¡m¤p团圆¡n¡B¡m¹p®p¶ð¡n¡A¨ä¦Û传Ê^¤p说¤T³¡¦±²v¥ý¦b´ä¥X齐¡A¥H¦¹纪©À这¦ì¤k§@®a诞¨°90©P¦~¤Î³u¥@15©P¦~¡C











(·s¨Ê报)    张爱¬Â¦Û传¤p说¥X¤U³¡    2010.09.08

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