More More Venezuelan Numbers:
Here are two websites which published the Associated Press story on the mass demonstration in Caracas on Saturday in support of President Chávez:
CNN en Español: (AP) Cientos de miles de simpatizantes oficialistas se aglomeraron en los alrededores de una céntrica avenida de Caracas para festejar la primera mitad del gobierno de Hugo Chávez y demostrar que conserva un importante apoyo popular tras arribar a la mitad del periodo presidencial.
El Diario/La Prensa: (AP) Decenas de miles de simpatizantes oficialistas se aglomeraron en los alrededores de una céntrica avenida de Caracas para festejar la primera mitad del gobierno de Hugo Chávez y demostrar que conserva un importante apoyo popular tras arribar a la mitad del período presidencial.
The only difference between the two reports is in the first word. The first report speaks of 'hundreds of thousands' and the second speaks of 'tens of thousands.' That is an order of magnitude of a factor of 10, as in 500,000 versus 50,000. So either someone at one of the two websites re-wrote the AP release, or else AP re-wrote its own release. If the first occurred, AP should study its legal options since this action obviously damages AP's reputation and integrity. If the second occurred, then AP has damaged its own reputation and integrity. Either way, AP should be made to count the number of heads in their own photo of the rally: