Bus Uncle
Excerpted from Apple Daily via InMediaHK:
What is the most popular movie in Hong
Kong? It is not M:i:3 (which is likely not to be shown in mainland
China) and it is not Da Vinci Code (which is severely criticized by the
Catholic Church). No, it is a stealth video clip entitled "巴士阿叔, Bus Uncle"
on YouTube.
The incident occurred on the top deck of
a Number 68X Kowloon bus on April 29. A young man observed that the
middle-aged person in front of him was talking too loud on the mobile
telephone. So he tapped the man's shoulder and asked him to keep the
volume down. This led to a vigorous response, including a string of
obscenities. The entire proceedings were recorded by another passenger
named John using
a mobile camera phone. The film was uploaded on YouTube and then
seen by the whole wide world. As of May 19, 1.2 million people have
watched the video clip! (Update: 1.9 million as of May 26; ETTV cited a 5.9
million figure on May 27, which probably combines all the editions).
Yes, but so what?
Well, I must say that even I am astonished by
the spontaneous media exposures and brand extensions that have occurred so far.
- The original
video clip
appeared on April 29. The conversation was conducted
in Cantonese, and therefore has a limited audience.
- For general audience distribution, there is an "obscenity-filtered
version" in which all the obscenities were blanked out.
This is very much missing the point.
- Due to the astounding reception, a Chinese-language
sub-titled version was produced by an unknown person and uploaded on May 9. This opened the video clip
to all non-Cantonese speaking but Chinese-reading people around the world.
- An Chinese/English-language
sub-titled version was uploaded on May 11, as befits Hong Kong's status
as a cosmopolitan city that can talk to the whole wide world.
- Here is the Part 2, in which the principals
spoke on the phone to other parties for another minutes or so. This
was sold to EasyFinder
- On broadcast television TVB:

[Correction: The above photograph was in fact a Photoshop job by some
pranksters. TVB has only mentioned Bus Uncle very
briefly in a report about YouTube.]
- Cable
TV News clip.
- A TVB commercial used to promote its World
Cup coverage will feature its commentator Lam Sheung-yee spoofing the role
of Bus Uncle (see Apple

See YouTube
for the video clip.
- Commercial Radio DJ Sammy issued a general
call for the young man to come forth.
- Commercial Radio 881 interviewed the young
man named Alvin ((Cantonese) Part
1 and Part 2).
Alvin claimed that he was the other party in the video.
- Commercial Radio interviewed the camera man 巴士阿叔 攝影師 訪問(查小欣節目)
- Newspaper (Chinese): 大熱!
Apple Daily via InMediaHK
- Newspaper (Chinese): 巴士阿叔短片攝影師現身 「倘有人動武 有證據交警方」
Ming Pao via Yahoo! News)
- Newspaper (Chinese): Apple
- Newspaper (Chinese): 巴士阿叔道盡港人受壓
Oriental Daily via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese): 「巴士阿叔」攝影師發意外財
Ming Pao via Yahoo! News)
According to Jon, there is in fact a second part to the
video in which Alvin called a friend and talked about encountering a raging
uncle. Throughout that conversation, the uncle just sat and did
nothing. There are about 160 video clips in the camera phone, and
these have become the object of competitive bidding by the media.
- Newspaper (Chinese) 欠缺「可能」的土炮網絡
+ 巴士判官 判了什麼?
Ming Pao via InMediaHK
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔道盡港人受壓
Oriental Daily via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔揭示社會問題
Tai Kung Pao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士被
青年﹕激勵努力工作 任地產公司老闆 稱「害怕阿叔動手」
Ming Pao via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士少年首現身 「為何想我還手」
Hong Kong Economic Times
- Newspaper (Chinese) 香港自有狂人屋 香港自有胯下辱
Oriental Daily via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔邀四眼仔做騷賺錢
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 「最少八千」 巴士阿叔受訪要收錢
Ming Pao (also reprinted at Yahoo!
- Newspaper (Chinese) 性格缺陷 說話會忽真忽假
Ming Pao via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 本報記者與「巴士阿叔」答問節錄
Ming Pao (also reprinted in Yahoo!
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔趁紅搵銀
Oriental Daily via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 香港自有狂人屋 香港自有胯下辱
Oriental Daily via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 四眼仔口臭辣興失戀阿叔
Oriental Daily
- Newspaper (Chinese) 「阿叔」昨到訪
Ming Pao (also reprinted in Yahoo!
- Newspaper (Chinese) 若借醜聞發達 應停發綜援
Ming Pao via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 四眼仔發威 趕走「巴士阿叔」
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 「 巴 士 阿 叔 」 熱 潮 的 商 機
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔要用人氣挑戰曾特首
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 「巴士阿叔」新聞應告一段落
Ta Kung Pao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 記者拒金錢採訪 巴士阿叔玩神秘
Oriental Daily via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔要用人氣挑戰曾特首
Sing Tao via Yahoo! News
- Newspaper (Chinese) 滾滾紅塵一眾生
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 陳乙東躁漢柔情心繫三女人
Oriental Daily
- Newspaper (Chinese) 餐廳打救 巴士阿叔甩難
Oriental Daily via Sina.com.hk
- Newspaper (Chinese) 失戀阿叔發惡報警斬情絲
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔獄中情詩曝光
Oriental Daily
- Newspaper (Chinese) 阿叔半島歎早餐賀返工
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 北上按摩減壓 否認追「扒女」
Oriental Daily
- Newspaper (Chinese) 「巴士阿叔」遇襲
Sing Tao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 巴士阿叔遇襲
Ming Pao
- Newspaper (Chinese) 成名 召妓 蒙面漢踩場打阿叔
Oriental Daily
- Newspaper (Chinese) 抵打?得罪人? 巴士阿叔遭痛毆
The Sun
- Newspaper (Chinese) 黎洛文﹕從巴士阿叔到會考手機出貓
Ming Pao
- Newspaper (English): Video of grumpy Hong Kong man scolding fellow bus rider becomes Internet hit.
South China Morning Post via AsiaMedia.
- Newspaper (English): Associated
Press and Associated
May 25, 2006.
- Newspaper (English): City full of 'bus uncles' just waiting to explode: experts
(by Niki Law, South China Morning Post, May 28, 2006).
- Newspaper (English): Bus Uncle taught me a lesson: take a different bus.
(by Agnes Lam, South China Morning Post, May 30, 2006).
- Newspaper (English): 'Don't make me meet Bus Uncle again'
(by Agnes Lam, South China Morning Post, June 1, 2006 via AsiaMedia).
- Newspaper (English): Hong Kong phone rage 'not settled yet'
Rowan Callick, The Australian. June 5, 2006.
- Newspaper (English): Average Chinese speak in cyberspace
Steven Schwankert, Network World. June 6, 2006.
- Newspaper (Englihs): The “Bus Uncle” Video Phenomenon That is Sweeping Hong Kong
Alice Hill, RealTechNews. June 7, 2006.
- Newspaper (English): A Six-Minute Tirade
On a Hong Kong Bus Rides Into Vernacular. By Geoffrey Fowler,
The Wall Street Journal. June 7, 2006.

- Newspaper (English): Three men beat up Hong Kong's 'Bus Uncle'
AP. June 8, 2006.
- Newspaper (English): Irate HK man unlikely Web hero
CNN.com June 9, 2006.
- Newspaper (English): When Life Makes You Cry Uncle
Eugene Robinson, Washington Post. June 9, 2006.
- Newspaper (English): Elvis and the Bus Uncle
Lane DeGregory, St. Petersburg Tribune. June 15, 2006.
- Magazine: EastWeek (May 24, 2006,
p. 26-29) (sorry, no online version). This one includes detailed
analyses by a psychiatrist (about the states of mind of Bus Uncle and Alvin)
and a sociologist (about the general social atmosphere in Hong Kong).
It also has an interview with a 68X bus driver who recalled an earlier
encounter with the Bus Uncle; the bus driver had to call the police because Bus Uncle was interfering with his
driving by screaming at him.
- Magazine: The
Bus Uncle Interview (Next Magazine, June 1, 2006)
- Internet: Wikia entry (Chinese) 林尚义声线高压呀叔搭公共汽车途中问候后生仔事件;
Wikipedia entry (English) Uncle
Bus; Wikipedia entry (Chinese) 巴士阿叔
- Internet: Ever wanted to ask the guy next to you on the bus to shut up?
Metafilter (read the comments)
- Internet: Interview
with the Bus Uncle Metafilter (read the comments)
- Internet: I
have stress! You have stress! Not resolved!
Language Log
- Internet: What is wrong with Bus Uncle profiteering?
Sun Bin blog
- Internet: The
Bus Uncle Interview in Next Magazine EastSouthWestNorth
- Internet: Bus
Uncle: Identity and Politics EastSouthWestNorth blog
- Internet: 由巴士阿叔,到星島造新聞實錄
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔陳乙東的自白
Next Magazine
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔陳乙東唱K
Next Magazine
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔陳乙東天才表演
Next Magazine
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔陳乙東事件重演
Next Magazine
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔陳乙東金口再開
Next Magazine
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔陳乙東粗口論
Next Magazine
- Internet Video: 四眼仔發威趕走巴士呀叔
Sing Tao
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔自爆性史影片
Oriental Sunday
- Internet Video: 巴士阿叔 淫賤實錄
Oriental Sunday
- City University of Hong Kong has some
notices in the manner of Bus Uncle. For example, "I've got to
take exams and you've got to take exams," "I've got to occupy the
room, so you shoudn't," "I've got pressure and you've got
pressure," "So why are you MS people occupying the six rooms?",
"Why are you challenging me over the room?" "What you are
doing is unjust," "Do you want me to have a talk with you?"
"50582163 Bus Uncle," "Will all the fans who support me sign

- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a rap
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a dance remix.
- A slowed down version is known as Bus
Uncle (Darth Vader Version)
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a Sammi
Cheng remix.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a Kekoro
cartoon remix.
- The videoclip has been overlaid with the
music piece Adagio
with Strings.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into an up-tempo
disco remix.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a bamboo
fight song remix.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a Samuel
Hui song about mahjong.
- Key prhases uttered by Bus Uncle, Alan Ho
and Miss Wan Alan Ho+巴士阿叔串溫小姐
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were mixed
into a radio program hosted with Chip
- The soundtrack has also been overlaid with
music for the young
people's karaoke version.
- The sound track was laid over in a song over
some video clips from Stephen
Chow's movie The God of Food.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into a Hotel
California remix featuring American idol contestant William Hung.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were mixed
into a press conference by Hong Kong SAR Chief Executive Donald
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were
mixed with phrases from a speech by former Hong Kong SAR chief executive Tung
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were mixed
in with other people's phrases so that this becomes a sexually
harassing telephone call.
- Key phrases uttered by Bus Uncle were put
into an X-rated version titled "My
dick is under a lot of pressure -- use you mouth to help me"
- For general distribution, there is a "clean
and friendly version" in which two
young people re-enacted the scene with much cordiality and minus the obscenities.
- There is a full-text
transcription (in Chinese)
- Key phrases uttered by Alvin
were put into a slowed-down monologue with musical back-up.
- In a very short clip, there is a Chen
Shui-bian version in which the voice of the Taiwan president is
overlaid on the video clip of the finger-wagging Bus Uncle ("Could Ah
Bian be wrong?").
- Some people think that Bus Uncle bears a
resemblance to a famous soccer analyst on Hong Kong television Lam Sheung-yee (林尚義).
So there is a Lam
Sheung-yee crossover edition in which the voice of Bus Uncle was
overlaid on a television program clip in which Lam appeared with two other
commentators. In EastWeek magazine, the real Lam Sheung-yee felt much
aggrieved in this episode -- "Please let the public know that it wasn't
me. I drive my own car. What would I
need to take a bus?"
- Previously, the nastiest man in Hong Kong
was an individual known as Alan Ho, whose taped conversation to the Airport Authority
inquiry line was leaked to the public as an example of a caller from hell
(see Global Noise) So someone has
mixed the two audio tapes to have a Bus
Uncle versus Alan Ho match -- these two people from hell deserve
each other ... There is another version that matches Alan
Ho up with Alvin Ho.
- Key phrases from Alvin's radio interview
were put into a musical
- A complete new song dedicated to Bus Uncle 給阿義叔(四眼後生仔心聲)
originally posted at HKGolden.
- Montage of Bus Uncle being assaulted 巴士阿叔比人打
- From the video clip, the most memorable
phrase were
# 我有壓力,你有壓力,你做乜挑釁我呀?("I've
got pressure and you've got pressure. So why are you provoking me?")
# 未解決!未解決!!未解決!!!
("It hasn't been solved yet! It has been solved yet!! It hasn't been
solved yet!!!")
# 唔手即係未掂啦?未掂即係要搞到掂啦!係咪啊
("Is this not okay then? If it's not, then it'll have to be taken
care of! Right or not?")
# 你好好打咩你!屌你老母!
("Are you a good fighter! I fuck your mother!")
# 老母唔屌屌邊個啊?
("If I don't fuck your mother, then who do I fuck?")
The HK Bus Uncle Shop
has printed the phrase ("I've got pressure") on T-shirts (for you,
your toddler or your dog), tote bags and even teddy bears and selling them on the Internet.

They are also selling T-shirts, mugs, note
books, book bags and
even boxer shorts with the words ""It
hasn't been solved yet! It has been solved yet!! It hasn't been solved

- "I've got pressure and you've got
pressure. So why are you challenging me?" and "It hasn't
been solved yet! It has been solved yet!! It hasn't been solved yet!!!"
are available as mobile phone ring tones for a small fee.
- From a poster for the 1991 movie Taxi
Hunter (about a citizen who administers extreme justice against
unscrupulous taxi cab drivers who refuse to pick up some passengers, take
the long detour, overcharge, refuse to give change, etc) comes Bus Hunter:

- From the recent triad-themed movies Election
and Election 2, comes a poster for an unauthorized sequel titled Election 3:
It Hasn't Been Solved.

- More quotations from classical movies such as Taxi
Driver and Texas Chainsaw Massacre

- An unexpected commercial winner is Sony
Ericsson, because EastWeek asked around and obtained the opinion that this
long, unchoppy and clearly audible clip was most likely recorded with a Sony Ericsson
w800i camera phone. This is 1.2 million advertising exposures for
product performance endorsement. Wow! They couldn't have
purchased it even if they tried!
With a mega-hit like this, the inevitable
question is this: Will there be a sequel?
- Here is Chapter
2 in a video clip in which Bus Uncle is allegedly arrested by the
police for molesting a female. Bus Uncle is actually not visible, although the voice does
sound like him.
What is the lesson in all this? This was
a multimedia tsunami in which Bus Uncle, the young man, the camera person, the
multimedia producers and the merchandisers do not know each other but somehow
spontaneously played their parts to arrive at where we are.
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