"The Nude Town Party Secretary Dropped Dead While On Duty"
(Southern Metropolis Daily) The "News" About The Death of the Nude Party Secretary. By Feng Hongping (丰鸿平). August 10, 2007.
On July 1, a post titled <Excellent Communist Party member named Xu Xinxian laid down his life while on duty> appeared at the Hangzhou Information Net. The post said:
Linan city Qingliangfeng town party secretary Xu Xinxian had been busy with performing public service and passed away due to physical exhaustion in his car. Another excellent female cadre also laid down her life at the same time. According to information, the party secretary and the female cadre were discussing public business in a car. At the time, the car was out of gas and therefore the air conditioner was not working. Therefore, it was very hot inside in the car which was parked inside a garage. To relieve themselves from the heat, the two took off their clothes to continue discussing public business until they laid down their lives. The people of Qingliangfeng town are lucky to have such a responsible and good party secretary. This party secretary had worked hard for the people, and was performing work related to women right before he laid down his life. The people will remember his accomplishments in their hearts.
"At the time, it was just over 100 meters from where we were. We saw everything." A founder of the Hangzhou Information Net named Fan said. He lived in Linan and he knew both of the principals in the incident. At the time, they were both naked inside the same car. An intern named Zhang was with Mr. Fan at the time, and Zhang wrote the post. Mr. Fan said, "This news item was based upon the facts."
At the time, it was reported by some media which cited Qingliangfeng town officials that the town party secretary Xu and the women's association cadre Pan had passed away. On June 30, the police found their nude bodies inside a private car in a garage with no sign of foul play. "The families of the deceased refused to take the bodies back, and so the authorities cremated the bodies." At the time, the temperature was higher than 35 degrees Centigrade in the Hangzhou area. According to informed sources in Linan, the two were copulating in the car and died from oxygen deprivation in the restricted garage space.
[Translator's comment: The above was as reported in Southern Metropolis Daily. The more likely scenario is that: The couple drove in their car to a garage, close the door, took off their clothes and began to copulate. Due to the heat, they left the car engine running in order for the air-conditioning. They were overcome by the carbon monoxide.]
Hangzhou Information Net does not have a high traffic volume. This ambiguously written post sat there quietly for about a month until someone re-posted the item at the Xinhua Forum on August 6. Very quickly, this item was re-posted at forums and blogs everywhere. Xu Xinxian's name even became one of the top ten search keywords on Baidu.
On August 7, Hangzhou Information Net was reprimanded the relevant department and deleted this post. There had been several tens of thousands of hits for that post, which made it the single most popular post ever at the website by a wide margin. Mr. Fan said that intern Zhang has been let go, but the Hangzhou Information Net promised Zhang that he will not bear any responsibility.
On August 8, Hangzhou Information Net issued a correction:
Information correction
On July 3, our website published the essay <Xu Xinyan on duty ...>. Recently, we received criticism from the information department above for a correctoin. That essay was released by our temporarily hired website intern Zhang Yang. This reporter had just graduated from school and did not have the social experience. On that day, Zhang Yang happened to be at the scene of the incident and published the news. He was stopped from doing so at the time. A few days later, Zhang Yang published the news anyway. This led to bad influence, smeared the party cadre and wasted a lot of the netizens' time. Our website has decided to dismiss this reporter while withholding his salary and bonus for the month.
Concerning the essay <Correction on information about the town official Xu Xinyan>, our website makes the following additional clarification:
1. The essay had not been reviewed and approved by the senior leaders and should not have been published. The contents do not match the truth in any way. We therefore apologize here to the readers.
2. Xu was just an ordinary worker at the town, and not a Party cadre leader.
3. Xu probably died from a sudden ailment. At the time, he was in his own private car, and not a government car. He was the only person present there. He was fully clothed and not naked.
4. As for the other person, the circumstances are not yet known. But it was not a female cadre. That person was not naked either. That person was just an ordinary worker. The details are being investigated by the relevant departments.
5. Since the case of Xu is still being investigated by the relevant departments and the Linan newspapers have not published anything, we ask the readers not to make comments and to place their trust in the party organization.
This correction post also generated several tens of thousands of hits and it was quickly deleted as well. On August 8, Hangzhou Information Net issued a second correction.
We thank the large number of readers for their interest in Hangzhou Information Net. According to orders from the superiors, this post has been deleted altogether. Concerning the matter of the person Xu from Qingliangfeng town, Linan city, Hangzhou province, we ask you not to discuss any further. The case occurred a while ago. The Xu incident is just a one-time-only rare phenomenon. The majority of our party members and cadres are still good people. So we say the same thing: You must trust the organization and you must trust the Party. When the investigation is completed, there will be a proper conclusion. Before that conclusion is reached, we should not be discussing the matter.
On the next day, Hangzhou Information Net published an item titled "Website Information":
Recently, some readers left extremist-language comments on our website. Therefore, we ask the readers to adhere to the four basic principles in order to support the leadership of the Party. Otherwise, you are committing a mistake. We are the Hangzhou Information Net and we must protect the good image of Hangzhou. In recent years, the development of Hangzhou is the best proof. Think about it: the typical wage was only 50 to 60 yuan per month in 1988, but it is now between 5,000 to 8,000 yuan. Our city has developed and the standard of living of our people has improved. For the first six months this year, the per capita disposable income has reached 20,000 yuan. The accomplishments are our main theme and development is our cause. So please do not talk gibberish. Take a look again and you see that the average housing price in Hangzhou has reached up to more than 10,000 yuan per square meter and the people are queuing up to buy apartments. This proves that people have money and they own wealth. Therefore, please do not make a fuss over unique and rare cases of some grassroots party cadres, especially since this is only a lifestyle issue. It is a private matter which does not affect work and it is not criminal either. Why is this worthy of any discussion?
All these items were also immensely popular as well because of the unique writing style. Some netizens have already named Hangzhou Information Net as the "most humorous media of 2007." Other netizens accuse the Hangzhou Information Net of lacking seriousness.
Doesn't this remind you of The Onion? And the corrections follow the spirit of the orders from above, but they can be read as bitter sarcasms that mean exactly the opposite of the words. Consider, for example, the first correction of August 8. The original post been deleted, so a newcomer can only guess what had happened. By applying the negative to the information in the correction, you can reconstruct the original story. According to (2), Xu was a party cadre leader. According to (3), Xu was in his government car, he was with someone and he was naked. According to (4), it was a female cadre who was also naked. Obviously, the superiors had a fit when they saw this correction. But the correction to the correction eliminated all the details of the case, but the tone was deliberating condescending to the point of being offensive unless you treat it as parody.
南方网8月10日报道 一网站刊发的新闻和随后多次更正成为网络热点,网友评价其为“年度最幽默媒体”
“杭州信息网”的访问量并不高,这条语焉不详的新闻在其网页上挂了一个月并没引起什么反响。8月6日,有网友在新华论坛发帖,贴出了那条新闻的截 屏图。很快,这条新闻被网友们转贴于各论坛、博客,一时成为互联网上的热点,徐某甚至跻身百度搜索十大风云人物,也就是说,至少在网络上这两天他是最有名 的人物之一。
本站于7月3日发表了《徐新贤因公...》一文,近日我们已经接到上级新闻部门的批评指正。该文是我站临时聘请的实习记者张扬所发,该记者刚从学 校毕业,没有社会经验。那天张扬刚好在事发现场看见,忍不住就想发消息,后被制止。但是后来过了几天张扬还是把该消息发了出去。形成了不好的影响,给党的 干部抹了黑,也浪费了广大网友的时间。现在本站已经对该记者做出开除决定,并扣发当月工资和奖金。
感谢广大读者关心杭州信息网,按照上级领导的规定,本文已经全部删除。关于杭州临安清凉峰镇徐某的问题,请大家不要再议论,事情已经过去这么长的 时间了。徐某事件不过是偶尔的极个别现象,我们的广大党员和干部还是好的。所以我们还是那句话:要相信组织相信党。等事件调查核实清楚以后,总会有结论 的。在没有作出结论以前,大家不宜再去议论。
近日来,有读者在本网站上留下过激言论。在此,我们要求广大读者一定要坚持四项基本原则,拥护党的领导。否则就会犯错误。我们是杭州信息网,必须 维护杭州的美好形象。近年来,杭州的发展就是最好的见证。大家想一想,在1988年的时候工人的工资才50-60元,现在已经提高到了5000-8000 元。城市发展了,人民生活水平提高了。今年上半年人均可支配收入已经达到了20000元。成就是主流,发展是硬道理。不容说三道四。再来看看,现在杭州的 房价已经涨到了一万多元/平方米,老百姓照样排队抢购,说明老百姓手中有钱了,人民生活富裕了。所以,读者们不要因为现在有极个别的基层干部出点小问题, 就议论来议论去,何况也就是一点生活作风问题。那是属于个人隐私,既不影响工作又不涉及到刑事犯罪,有什么值得议论的呢?
杭州信息网始终装疯卖傻,恶搞到底。这个事件最终可能有三种解读:1、杭州信息网坚持正义,坚持真 理,不屈不挠地同新闻管理部门进行斗争;2、杭州信息网被黑,网上的信息都不是杭州信息网所发;3、杭州信息网为了提高点击率而虚构事实进行炒作,这样其 主要负责人将可能承担撤职等处分。
发布时间:2007-06-01 11:08:13 发布人:杭州信息网 新闻来源:新闻中心
本站最新消息:临安市清凉峰镇党委书记、优秀共产党员徐新贤日前因公牺牲。徐新贤书记因忙于公务,日夜操劳过度,终因体力不支,牺牲在小车上,同时牺牲的 还有该镇优秀妇女干部一名。据悉,徐新贤书记和该名妇女干部在小汽车里谈论公务,因汽油燃尽,空调断电,车内闷热严重,车子又是停在车库里,二人为了解 热,脱光了衣服裤子,还在坚持谈公事,一直谈到牺牲为止。有这样认真负责的好书记,清凉峰镇的老百姓是幸福的。书记时刻为人民办事,牺牲前还在亲自做妇女 工作,他的事迹,人们都记在了心里。 (本文已被浏览 48436 次)二、杭州信息网8月7日第一次更正
发布时间:2007-08-07 18:42:21 发布人:杭州信息网 新闻来源:
或http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4b0440b70100097l.html (本文已被浏览 9269 次)
2007-07-08 12:35:57
标签: 转载 徐新贤 潘丽航
据内地“网友keng@cf”七月一日在浙江的钱塘论坛“钱塘茶楼”栏目内, 发布名为“号外号外!”的帖子称:“两位党的‘好’儿女,一个党委书记,一个妇联主任(各自有家庭),被发现双双死在车,而且还没穿衣服。这种死法还真有 激情!”该网友称,当时车内开冷气,并且密封,估计是缺氧致死。两人“大概是礼拜二(六月二十六日)死的,前天(六月二十九日)才发现,(尸体)都烂 了。”
发布时间:2007-08-08 10:02:57 发布人:杭州信息网 新闻来源:
本站于7月3日发表了《徐新贤因公...》一文,近日我们已经接到上级新闻部门的批评指正。该文是我站临时聘请的实习记者张扬所发,该记者刚从学校毕业, 没有社会经验。那天张扬刚好在事发现场看见,忍不住就想发消息,后被制止。但是后来过了几天张扬还是把该消息发了出去。形成了不好的影响,给党的干部抹了 黑,也浪费了广大网友的时间。现在本站已经对该记者做出开除决定,并扣发当月工资和奖金。
5.关于徐新贤的事,有关部门还在调查核实中,临安的报纸也没有报道过,请广大读者不要多做评论,要相信党相信组织。 (本文已被浏览 1291 次)四、杭州信息网8月8日的第三次更正
发布时间:2007-08-08 10:02:57 发布人:杭州信息网 新闻来源:
已删除感谢广大读者关心杭州信息网,按照上级领导的规定,本文已经全部删除。关于杭州临安清凉峰镇徐新贤的问题,请大家不要再议论,事情已经过去这么长的时间 了。徐新贤事件不过是偶尔的极个别的现象,我们的广大党员和干部还是好的。所以我们还是那句话:要相信组织相信党。等事件调查核实清楚以后,总会有结论 的。在没有作出结论以前,大家不宜再去议论。 (本文已被浏览 44780 次)
随后他们觉得这浪费汽油,所以把车开到仓库接着研究工作,那个地方很热。妇联主任说:“徐书记,天很热,您身体又不好,把空调温度调低点吧。”书记说: “不行,现在全国电力供应紧张,中央号召党政机关把办公室空调弄到26度,我现在虽然在车里,也要严格要求。”妇联主任说:“那天这么热您受得了吗?”书 记说:“这样吧,咱们两个把衣服脱光不就不热了。"随后,书记和妇联主任脱得一丝不挂,二人赤诚相见共论如何提高全县人民生活水平,对此,妇联主任提出了 “三点”,书记为表示对妇女工作重视,对妇联主任进行了“指点” 。
8月9日 站内消息
发布时间:2007-08-09 11:23:34 发布人:杭州信息网 新闻来源:
我们感谢广大读者登陆 杭州信息网 ( www.hzxx114.com 或 通用网址: 杭州信息网 ).
近日来,有读者在本网站上留言过激言论.在此,我们要求广大读者一定要坚持四项基本原则,拥护党的领导.否则就会犯错误.我们是杭州信息网,必须 维护杭州的美好形象.近年来,杭州的发展就是最好的见证。大家想一想,在1988年的时候工人的月工资才50--60元.现在已经提高到了每月8000- -12000元。城市发展了,人民生活水平提高了。今年上半年人均可支配收入已经达到了20000元。成就是主流,发展是硬道理。不容说三道四。再来看 看,现在杭州的房价已经涨到了一万多元/每平方米,老百姓照样排队抢购,说明老百姓手中有钱了,人民生活富裕了。大家再想一想,如果没有中国共产党人的八 年浴血抗战和四年艰苦卓绝的解放战争,哪有我们现在的好日子过!所以,读者们不要因为现在有极个别的基层干部出点小问题,就议论来议论去,何况也就是一点 生活作风问题。那是属于个人隐私,既不影响工作又不涉及到刑事犯罪,有什么值得议论的呢? (本文已被浏览 2856 次)
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