The Nancy Kissel Case - Part 2
Yesterday was day 1 of the trial. The
opening statement by the government prosecutor presented a case that was at
considerable variance from the initial press reports in November 2003 (see Part
1). The English-language press coverage of yesterday's proceedings
are found at:
This post is a review of the local
Chinese-language coverage. As this was the first day during which jury
selection took up much of the time, the press reports among various newspapers
are quite similar on the coverage of the first part of the opening statement, to
be continued the next morning. But here are the additional tidbits:
- (Sing Tao, print edition)
Chronology of events:
1989: Robert Peter Kissel married Nancy Ann Kissel
1997: The Kissels moved to Hong Kong, where Robert joined Goldman
1998 March: Robert Kissel sets up a will which leaves his estate to
his wife
2000: Robert Kissel moves to Merrill Lynch as managing director of
global investments
2002 year end: The Kissels visited the United States, where Robert's
sister noticed that the couple's relationship was deteriorating
2003 January-February: Robert installs spyware in Nancy's laptop;
hereafter, Robert monitors her email.
2003 March-July: Nancy brings their three children to the United
States to escape SARS, and has an affair with a television repairman.
2003 June: Robert hires a private detective to investigate Nancy.
2003 July: The private detective confirmed that Nancy was having an
affair with the television repairman; Robert discussed divorce with lawyers;
Nancy returned to Hong Kong and kept in touch with her lover.
2003 September: Robert told the private detective that he was
concerned about being poisoned by Nancy.
2003 October: Robert found out that Nancy had been using another
mobile telephone to communicate with her lover; Robert told the private
detective again that he was concerned about his own safety.
2003 end of October: Robert told his brother and friend that he
intended to ask for a divorce on Sunday (November 2).
2003 November 2: Robert died.
- (Apple
Daily) Robert Kissel's March 1998 will states that if he dies
before his wife, 100% goes to her; if she should die before him, then his
estate will be distributed as 20% to his brother, 20% to his sister, 20% to
his father-in-law, 20% to his mother-in-law and 20% among friends.
- (The
Sun) In the email exchanges between Michael del Priore and
Nancy Kissel, they speak about their daily lives, including food preferences
and love talk, referring to each other as "Baby" and
"Honey." In one section, Nancy Kissel wrote, "I think
about you so much, Michael ..." In another one, Michael del
Priore wrote, "I am going crazy ... when the cusotmers ask me
questions, I want to tell them, 'Leave me alone, I am busy thinking about
- (Ming

How Robert Kissel discovered his wife's affair:
Method 1: He noticed that there was a telephone bill for a different mobile
phone that she uses to speak to her lover in the United States
Method 2: He installed a piece of spyware on his home computers in order to
read the contents of the email between his wife and her lover as well as
monitor her online activities.
Method 3: He hired a private investigator it see if his wife was having an
affair with Michael del Priore and take photographs/videos.

(Photos: Oriental Daily, The Sun)

(Photo: Apple Daily)
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